Welcome to Pardeasy!

Pardeasy was created with one goal in mind: to make it easier for people to plan and book parties and events. Whether you're throwing a birthday bash for a loved one, hosting a corporate function, or planning your dream wedding, we know that there's a lot of work that goes into making it a success.

“Book Easy With Pardeasy!”

Not sure where to start?

That's where Pardeasy comes in. Our app is a central marketplace for the party and event industry, featuring a wide range of vendors and services to choose from. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can find everything you need to make your event a hit. Plus, our in-app chat room allows you to connect with other users in your area, making it a fun and social way to plan your next event.

Sign up! It’s free

Users! This will ALWAYS be a free app. New vendors are being added all the time and all local to your location. A review system is included to read up on user reviews before selecting a vendor as well as a message feature to talk directly in case there are any questions before booking.


Sign up as a Vendor! We understand vendor safety is important so take advantage of our chat feature to communicate with other vendors in the area. Safety first!

“This is such a great app if you’re planning any future events. It has all the vendors you need in one place.”


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Feel free to contact us with any questions.
